Goin' Places
Song information
Album title: Goin' Places
Year of release: 1977
Duration: 4:35
Song recording information:
- Produced by K. Gamble, L. Huff
Song released in albums:
Song type | Album title, song's alt. title | Duration | Year of release |
The Jacksons — Goin' Places | 4:35 | 1977 | |
The Jacksons — Goin' Places [8-50454] S | 3:27 | 1977 | |
The Jacksons — Goin' Places [S EPC 5732] S | 3:27 | 1977 | |
The Jacksons — The Essential Jacksons | 4:29 | 2004 | |
The Jacksons — The Very Best Of | 4:29 | 2004 | |
The Jacksons — Playlist: The Very Best Of The Jacksons | 4:30 | 2009 |