Album information
Source of album track list and covers: record „88697 30869 2“. Tracklisting and artwork of other album's records may differ. > The Jacksons Albums > Destiny
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Album information
Source of album track list and covers: record „88697 30869 2“. Tracklisting and artwork of other album's records may differ.
1. | Blame It On The Boogie | 3:37 | |
2. | Push Me Away | 4:20 | |
3. | Things I Do For You | 4:07 | |
4. | Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) | 8:01 | |
5. | Destiny | 4:54 | |
6. | Bless His Soul | 4:58 | |
7. | All Night Dancin' | 6:11 | |
8. | That's What You Get (For Being Polite) | 5:02 | |
9. | Blame It On The Boogie (John Luongo Disco Mix) | 7:03 | [R] |
10. | Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (John Luongo Disco Mix) | 8:38 | [R] |
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