Whatever You Got, I Want
Song information
Authors: Mel Larson, Jerry Marcellino, Gene Marcellino
Album title: Dancing Machine
Year of release: 1974
Duration: 2:55
Song recording information:
- Producers: Mel Larson & Jerry Marcellino
- Arranger: James Carmichael
Song released in albums:
Song type | Album title, song's alt. title | Duration | Year of release |
The Jackson 5 — Dancing Machine | 2:55 | 1974 | |
The Jackson 5 — Whatever You Got, I Want [M 1308F] S | 2:52 | 1974 | |
The Jackson 5 — The Life Of The Party [TMG 927] S | 1974 | ||
The Jackson 5 — Anthology | 2:53 | 1976 | |
The Jackson 5 — Soulsation! | 2:56 | 1995 | |
The Jackson 5 — Anthology | 2:55 | 2000 | |
The Jackson 5 — Gold | 2:55 | 2005 | |
Michael Jackson — The Motown Years | 2:57 | 2008 |