
Song information

Authors: Jerry Marcellino, Mel Larson
Album title: Skywriter
Year of release: 1973
Duration: 3:10
Song recording information:
  • Producers: Mel Larson & Jerry Marcellino
  • Arrangers: Mel Larson, Jerry Marcellino & James Carmichael
Song released in albums:
Song type Album title, song's alt. title Duration Year of release
The Jackson 5 — Skywriter 3:10 1973
The Jackson 5 — Skywriter [TMG 865] S 1973
The Jackson 5 — Anthology 3:05 1976
Michael Jackson — 18 Greatest Hits 3:10 1983
The Michael Jackson Mix - 40 Hits 1987
Michael Jackson — Motown's Greatest Hits 3:10 1992
The Jackson 5 — Soulsation! 3:09 1995
Michael Jackson — The Motown Years 3:11 2008
[R] Michael Jackson — The Remix Suite

Skywriter (Stargate Remix)

4:05 2009