Pre-History - The Lost Steeltown Recordings
Album information
Source of album track list and covers: record „BRU 81015-2“. Tracklisting and artwork of other album's records may differ.
Year of release: 1996
Record label: Brunswick Records
Tracks in album:
1. | Let Me Carry Your Schoolbooks | [N] |
2. | I Never Had A Girl | [N] |
3. | Monologue | |
4. | Michael The Lover | [N] |
5. | We Don't Have To Be Over 21 (To Fall In Love) | [N] |
6. | Big Boy | [N] |
7. | You've Changed | |
8. | Jam Session (Part One) | |
9. | My Girl | [N] |
10. | Jam Session (Part Two) | |
11. | Under The Boardwalk | [N] |
12. | Soul Jerk | [N] |
13. | Saturday Night At The Movies | [N] |
14. | Tracks Of My Tears | [N] |