Michael Jackson - The Story - Played by London Twilight Orchestra - Vol. 2
Album information
Source of album track list and cover: record „92024544“. Tracklisting and artwork of other album's records may differ.
Year of release: Unknown
Record label: Magnum
Tracks in album:
1. | Heal The World | [I] |
2. | Dirty Diana | [I] |
3. | Black Or White | [I] |
4. | Remember The Time | [I] |
5. | In The Closet | [I] |
6. | Who Is It | [I] |
7. | Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough | [I] |
8. | We're Almost There | [I] |
9. | She's Out Of My Life | [I] |
10. | One Day In Your Life | [I] |
11. | The Way You Make Me Feel | [I] |
12. | Ben | [I] |
13. | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' | [I] |
14. | Music And Me | [I] |