Up Again

Song information

Authors: Freddie Perren, Christine Yarian
Album title: Music & Me
Year of release: 1973
Duration: 2:47
Into each life, some rain falls
Then comes the snow
But after the snow
The flowers will grow
Girl, if my life gets stormy
You stayed for the ride
You stayed by my side
You made the sun shine

I'm up again, I'd never let you down
Nothing's ever gonna stop me now
Up again, I'd never let you down
I love you

This Humpty-Dumpty is lucky
He's had his fall
But after it all
He brushed himself off
Knowing how much you loved me
I made one more try
I reached for the sky
And I made it this time

(* Repeat)


(* Repeat with ad lib and fade)
Song recording information:
  • Produced by Freddie Perren and Fonce Mizell
  • Arranged by Freddie Perren
Song released in albums:
Song type Album title, song's alt. title Duration Year of release
Michael Jackson — Music & Me 2:47 1973
Michael Jackson — Hello World: The Motown Solo Collection 2:52 2009