Someone In The Dark
Song information
Album title: E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (audiobook)
Year of release: 1982
Song released in albums:
Song type | Album title, song's alt. title | Duration | Year of release |
Michael Jackson — E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (audiobook) | 1982 | ||
[A] | Michael Jackson — E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (audiobook) Someone In The Dark (Closing Version) | 1982 | |
Michael Jackson — Someone In The Dark [S45-1786] S Someone In The Dark (Long Version) | 4:58 | 1982 | |
Michael Jackson — Someone In The Dark [S45-1786] S Someone In The Dark (Short Version) | 3:04 | 1982 | |
Michael Jackson — Thriller Special Edition | 4:49 | 2001 | |
Michael Jackson — The Ultimate Collection | 4:54 | 2004 |