Girl You're So Together
Song information
Author: Keni Lewis
Album title: Farewell My Summer Love
Year of release: 1984
Duration: 3:09
Song recording information:
- Produced and Arranged by Freddie Perren and Fonce Mizell
Song released in albums:
Song type | Album title, song's alt. title | Duration | Year of release |
Michael Jackson — Farewell My Summer Love | 3:09 | 1984 | |
Michael Jackson — Girl You're So Together [1757 MF] S | 3:09 | 1984 | |
Michael Jackson — Girl You're So Together [TMG 1355] S | 3:09 | 1984 | |
The Michael Jackson Mix - 40 Hits | 1987 | ||
Michael Jackson — Motown's Greatest Hits | 3:09 | 1992 | |
Michael Jackson — The Motown Years | 3:12 | 2008 | |
Michael Jackson — Hello World: The Motown Solo Collection | 3:12 | 2009 | |
[A] | Michael Jackson — Hello World: The Motown Solo Collection Girl You're So Together [Original Mix] | 3:00 | 2009 |